Building Receipt Safe with No Code

We sat down with female founder, Becky Baker to talk all things no code and about her innovative start-up Receipt Safe

Showcasing the power of no code, The Receipt Safe app is designed to protect consumers while shopping online or in-store.

Tell us about Receipt Safe 

Receipt Safe is on a mission to help consumers protect and control their data. 

The app aims to protect consumers from unwanted marketing and spam emails, as well as provide a safe and easy way to find their receipts and other important emails. 

The Receipt Safe is the shopping and life admin digital companion that helps you simplify your life and keep your data safe. 

How does it work? 

Receipt Safe is the ultimate solution for those with busy lives who enjoy shopping, travelling, and going out. It helps consumers keep their email inboxes clear and their bookings and receipts safe.  

When registering with the app The Receipt Safe generates a unique memorable email address for you to use when making bookings or shopping online or in-store. Any emails sent to that address are automatically captured by the app and sorted by type so that receipts, booking confirmations, tickets, and more are kept safe and easy to find. This smart organization helps users easily access important emails when they need them. No more sifting through cluttered inboxes or searching for lost receipts. 

What’s the background of Receipt Safe? 

My lightbulb inspiration moment for the business came when listening to a podcast after hearing the host recount a funny anecdote about visiting a shop and being harassed for their email address. 

We are moving towards a more paperless society and retailers are adopting e-receipts which is great for the environment, but even still I always found myself asking for paper copies as I was reluctant to share my personal email address.  

Furthermore, I liked hearing from the brands I shop with but felt it was quite an intrusive process. I wanted to find a way to take that pain away and make it so that consumers were protected and more in control of the process.  

My hope is that Receipt Safe can grow to help people with the pain of their life admin whilst improving the marketing experience from the perspective of the consumers, by putting them back in control.  

How does Receipt Safe help to meet users' requirements and overcome their pain points?  

The Receipt Safe acts as a protective barrier between consumers and brands. Users of the app can choose to go digital with their receipts and bookings without fear of being bombarded with SPAM emails or that their data is going to be shared.  It is free to use the app with exciting features in the pipeline and we hope it will make our users' lives easier when it comes to the dreaded life admin! 

Building Receipt Safe with No Code 

I was aware of the founder of Decodifi through another project I had worked on and had a trusted relationship in place. When I first had the idea for the business, I knew I could approach them for a no-nonsense discussion about the best way to test out my business idea.  

It quickly became evident that no code Bubble was going to be the leanest way to get something out in the market and quickly validate my idea in a cost-effective way.  

How was no code used? 

Within the Receipt Safe app plugins and components are built-in with rich functionalities that complete the heavy-lifting work for the bubble user. It encapsulates all the coding part and just exposes some key options in the UI for bubble developer to configure to determine the behaviour of the plugin. The beauty of no code is that the bubble developer just needs to download the plugin and use it straight away, speeding up the development process exponentially.  

What was the process of creating your application with no code? 

Decodifi took me through a discovery, design and build process to ensure that my vision was clearly defined. We outlined the customer problems and pain points as well as defining what a successful trial would look like in terms of KPIs.  

They quickly produced some designs for the product as well as customer journeys to help me visualise the flow of the product and then they set to work on the build process.  

We initially conducted a very small closed test with immediate friends and family to ensure there were no significant bugs or blockers with the product and then made the decision to put the app on the AppStore and Playstore using the BDK native wrapper.   

What were the key benefits of using no code? 

I would say that the biggest benefit was the speed and cost of using no code. I also love the iteration and implementation of changes being such an easy process.  

Using no code meant that from idea inception to MVP being in the hands of test users was only an 8-week timeframe.  

The Receipt Safe app is now live and available for download across the Appstore and Playstore here: 

We would love people to download it and be part of the product steering group as we continue to build the app to help put consumers back in control of their data. 

If you have a no code solution you would like to share, get in touch


Working Smarter with No Code


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